Big up to Kongress Media (Thomas Koch, Bjoern Negelmann) for organising such a superbevent in Paris. Both ON (the conference) and OFF (parties in the evening) were fun and it was so nice to hang out with Enterprise 2.0 people (@bduperrin @flapinta @cflanagan@an_elm @tlg @ceciledemailly @tdebaillon @gculpin @aponcier) in real life. Local Consulting firm NextModernity (Bertrand Duperrin, Richard Collin) acted as moderator and contributed to make the whole thing casual yet focussed. Great organisation, great speakers but most of all : great real life projects feedback. Featuring : Claire Flanagan (CSC – multi-awarded project), Anu Elmer (SwissRe), Jérôme Poujardieu (Dassault Systems), Fabrice Poireaud Lambert (Lyonnaise des Eaux), Nicolas Rolland (Danone), Julien Le Nestour (Schlumberger), Jean-Paul Chapon (Alcatel Lucent) etJane McConnell (NetStrategy). A high number of common best practices have naturally emerged. Here are 10 of them : 1) Manage risks from the early stages of the project Fabrice Poireaud-Lambert showed a very interesting 4 axis graphs (Organization and HR / Competencies / Methods and Tools / Culture and Behaviors) that LdE used to evaluate the change factor of such a project on the enterprise scale. They reached a 12/16 value which is pretty high. In addition, these are cross-functional projects with a high cultural impact. Therefore, it is critical to address subsequent risks as of the very early stages of the project. This comes with an advantage, though. When such risky and game-changing projects succeed, they benefit from large recognition : both CSC and Lyonnaise des Eaux projects are running for most innovative project of the year in their respective organisation. 2) Seek Executive supports Both Claire Flanagan and Anu Elmer insisted on how critical it was to have unconditional Executives support for project involving change of such magnitude. Big changes project need legitimation. The reason : without strong leadership and executive support, the project is a lost cause against managers who have day to day budget and objectives. So first thing first : use the elevator pitch and then Heavy Mental Enterprise 2.0 presentation(or even better : ask me to do it) to show your executives how collaboration platforms can foster knowledge, innovation and productivity in the organisation. 3) Know your business needs and address them Danone really wanted some tools to perpetuate their strong networking culture born at the beginning of the century and put the people right in the center of the solution. Dassault needed to share sales best practices amongst their distributors (the Value Added Resellers) of their software solutions. Schlumberger desired to save time to their workforce in critical environment (example : deep water drilling) when few minutes saving can turn into million of dollars. Alcatel Lucent new management made it a strategic goal to have a greater transparency throughout the company. The objectives can be marketing, HR’s, operational, leadership ones. The solution may be internal (i.e only amongst employees) or external as for Dassault between employees and partners. In any case, for any successful project, the objectives are clear so is the expected business value. Read more about Enterprise 2.0 Forum on Cecil Dijoux's blog
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PAR: alexis mouthon
DIRIGÉE PAR: Jérémy Dumont