My experience in strategic planning and project management leads me to manage innovation projets in design consultancies or open innovation hubs. I am also interested to manage brand communications for a company embracing digital, social and environmental changes.
My strengths :
🙋 — Market, consumer, usage & habits research
⚡️ — Experience design applied to brands, products, spaces, campaigns...
🚀 — Innovation & transformation project management
😀 — C suite advisory and satisfaction
👪 — Collective intelligence and Open Innovation (parners / consumers)
🔍 — My articles :
1- To (re) engage employees digital transformation must make sense #socialinnovation #purpose
2 - Social innovation to meet client expectations with a positive impact on society and environment #innovationsociale
3 - Experience design to create value and collectively visualize the customer experience to be delivered #experiencedesign
4 - Brand entertainment the new way to communicate to millennials # brandcontent
5 - The account planner and the designer, actors of corporate innovation and transformation #planner
My book and articles are here :